Photographer & Art Director based in Barcelona. Her background in Fine Arts and Humanities has not only shaped her artistic approach but also deepened her interest in artistic processes, aesthetic theory, and research.



Whitish | photography
Laaza x VEIN magazine | creative direction & photography
The Absurd Gap | text & visuals
SADIE | creative direction & art direction
Laura at my grandparents’ house | photography
Estrategias artísticas en la realización de un proceso colectivo | text
Still test | photography
I look pretty when I cry | creative direction & photogaphy
Test x Natàlia | photogaphy
Camins del desig o com el cos es mou cap a una cosa desitjable | text & visuals
Apple of the Eye | art direction
Cossos digitals: performativitat, identitat i autorepresentació femenina en l’era d’Instagram | text & visuals
Omotesando | creative assistance
Cameron & Park visiting Barcelona | photography
In Between Days | art direction
Parsifal x ESAD | photography
AGNO | art direction
Nombrar la herida: hacia una poética de la responsabilidad | text & visuals
The Wind, Death and Their Lovers | art direction
The Color of Nostalgia | photography
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